My Bio

Witch; Mother; Guardian of the Land; Writer & Eternal Student of the Mysteries.

The most powerful fruit of my work is the alchemy weaved through all the facets of my life with my life being the living testament to the work I’ve done through my relationships, wealth creation, connection to the land. The foundation of my work and practice rests upon the mystery teachings and initiations that I have received; medicine; ceremonial and ritual magic; elemental healing; counselling; herbalism and plant medicine training, ceremony and teachings.

I currently live on a farm that I own on the edge of the forest along the Garden Route, with my husband and lover, Greg, two boys; Cas and Kojo and a huge tribe of much loved animals, tame and wild. I spend many hours alone in the forest deepening my rewilding practice and am a passionate custodian of the land here.

I completed my Bachelor of Business Science at UCT on the Deans Merit list, with my honours in Marketing. Following on from this I paid off my student loan in my first year out of University teaching English in South Korea, before heading off to London where I worked as a successful Innovation Consultant in one of the worlds leading Innovation firms, specialising in building values based businesses and innovation culture. This work took me across the globe. I then returned to South Africa 3 years later and founded Faithful to Nature at the age of 26. Almost 2 decades on, Faithful to Nature has achieved monumental success in pioneering ethical retail in Africa and in shaping the natural and organic market in Southern Africa.

During this time, I spent 13 years working with a well respected shamanic guide whose work is too diverse to contain in one title. I spent 5 years in an intensive group healing course with her where I started to develop my gift to see into peoples stories and identify where the distortion was coming in. Following on from this I joined a Mystery School where I threw myself with complete and utter dedication into a huge array of occult, healing and magical apprenticeships on offer. The most significant work done here was with Qabbala where I did 2 intensive year-long Tree of Life Ascensions. I am currently undergoing very high level training into the occult, medicine initiation (psilocybin specifically), the feminine oracle arts and much more.

I have during all the time devoted myself to learning many different types of meditation and chanting, having done the Vipassana 10 day silent meditation retreat and many more Bhuddist based meditation retreats. Interspersed with this have been more retreats and workshops than I can count as I passionately explored various types of healing that called out to me. I have also and continue to study with the Jungian Institute of South Africa.

I hold a natural affinity and gift for mirror work, it is a core tenant in my practice and I do guide my clients in this work when applicable. I have also worked with poisonous plants, which are the most masterful teachers of supporting self led shadow work.

I hold a breathwork training certification with the Celtic Breathwork school (registered with the IBF International Breathwork foundation), and incorporate breath into much of my personal and professional work. Breath truly is the unifying tool. Simple, elegant technology that asks for nothing in return. A tool that requires no co-dependency, no “look”, no dogma and no healers. The tool that returns one to their seat of sovereignty as their own healer and their own teacher.

Despite all the truly magnificent teachers I have had the privilege of working with, it must also be noted that integral to my work currently has been the self led initiations where I have taken myself off into the wild to Quest for hours or days on end.

My sons remain my strictest teachers no doubt. My youngest son Kojo is autistic and the healing required in myself to be able to support him on his journey has been profound.

My life has not been a fairy tale or a well scripted linear example of white picket fence living (it never is when one passionately follows their heart) but it has been rich, full, deeply seeped in integrity and saturated with joy! And it is exactly because of all the trials and tribulations that I have experienced that I can stand in front of you deeply embodied in the courage and truth that I wish to impart to you.

PS: I have also recently written a book called Soul Initiations and you can read more about it here.
