Work with Me

1:1 Online Mentorship

You can work with me in 1:1 online mentorship sessions. At its core, the mentorship that I offer is about empowering you to find the clarity, courage and soul to take the steps that you are the most afraid to take to make your dreams come true. I will be working with mental blocks, ancestral belief systems, cultural programs and your own personal masks that you carry that limit your ability to be the most powerful oracle in your own life. This may look us working on a business issue (bringing my entrepreneurial and management experience to the table) or it could look like us working on your relationships, but ultimately it will be soul work and we will be bringing immense light into your structure and life from the shadow work that we will be doing. The most powerful thing we can do in our lives is to learn how to see things as they truly are – clear from our fear, masks, programs and beliefs and this is what lies at the core of my ability to support you. We will work together either through a coaching/mentoring basis, or with 1:1 Breathwork sessions or both.

If you feel your life is out of alignment and are looking for guidance on how to make changes that feel more authentic and resonant, then I look forward to supporting you to dive deeper into who you are and how to practically align your life to your soul’s calling.

The Path of the Feminine

I have also specifically been mentoring many of my clients in walking the path of the feminine and supporting them to rewild and re-align themselves with ways of the Goddess. This mentorship develops naturally in the 1:1 sessions is their is a calling for this. We will be using many tools to alchemise this transition, such a ritual, devotional and plant spirit work.


In the Breathwork sessions, the intention is two-part. Firstly, I will be holding space for the breath to support you in healing stored trauma in the body, disentangling blockages, cultivating greater health and vitality and also for you to receive downloads, clarity and insights from your higher self and guides.

Secondly, depending on your desire, I will also be available to support you in developing your own Breathwork self-practice. Breath, in my experience, is the unifying tool. Simple, elegant technology that asks for nothing in return. Abundant, infinite, free. A tool that requires no co-dependency, no “look”, no dogma and no healers. The tool that returns you to your seat of sovereignty as your own healer, your own teacher able to consciously invite in Spirit with each inhale and to surrender to your own divinity and oneness with each exhale. In a few sessions you will have the confidence to take this tool into your own hands and turn it into an incredible self practice. Of course, we would combine this with the rest of my work already in place around personal mentoring and guidance as well as sharing mantras, chants and a variety of poses and other Breathwork modalities to send you on your way.

We require a 90 minute session for Breathwork, which costs R2200 / $100.

For the best results, I would recommend a commitment of at least 3 sessions, ideally 5.

Bespoke Medicine and Rewilding Retreats

I am also holding bespoke private medicine retreats. This work is open to clients that I have an existing relationship with and you are welcome to reach out for more information here.

Rates and Packages
Spiritual/ Business/ Life Mentorship:
Transpersonal or Breathwork Sessions:

You are welcome to contact me as a next step.

Medicine Work rates are on request.

Online meditations and group Breathwork sessions will resume in the near future.
